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Anti-Racist Church Conference w/Joe Barndt, Sat. Nov. 12

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Institutionalized Racism In The Church

Rev. Elizabeth Eddy

Barndt has planted a seed in my mind, and it ‘s growing a clear example of the truism that we all affect each other.  Barndt believes that as Christian churches developed, despite creating unique internal structures, the people who created the institutions were themselves unconsciously shaped by cultural values of those times, and created churches which institutionalized those values. 

In the West, political power was exercised largely by men, who increasingly identified themselves as “white”, with the intent to perpetuate their power. The Christian ideal of Love, exercised on behalf of everyone, was distorted.   Unconsciously Christian churches became power-based institutions with  a “white male Mediterranean/European” identity.  (“Might makes right” contended Thrasymachus in Plato’s “Republic”.)

Barndt wants to dismantle racism,  among the many other abuses created by power-based institutionalization. He suggests that our nation’s progress toward this goal may be stagnating, and he believes that the goal cannot be reached until the attitudes which foster institutional racism are transformed.

However politely, gently and logically one may try to state the case – as Barndt certainly does – the core transformation now needed in the church is to become consciously aware of this identity which has developed, “white-male-European-power” organization, and consciously choose to become instead a multi-racial multi-cultural love-based entity which exists to serve all needy people.  When the church no longer serves unconsciously according to the interests of power, its organizational structure will have a different “feel” to it.  It may create new structures of governance, to express Christian values more clearly.

Brandt emphasizes that transformation of the church is necessary in order to complete the transformation of society as a whole into anti-racism.  Transformation of the church is also necessary to live our call and commitment as Christians.    

In the human mind and heart, conscience and self-consciousness are subtle energies, and in them false perceptions struggle to perpetuate themselves, instead of allowing Truth and Love to grow.  When individuals release themselves from bondage to power-conceived ideals, the church can transform. Then, institutions in society can also be transformed, and racism (sexism, genderism, ageism and the like) will no longer rule, because Love and Truth suffice to Serve.

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